Keep Baldy Wild

January 22, 2015 Cell Tower Public Hearing

The public hearing to allow or deny a permit to install a cell tower at the Mt. Baldy Trout Pools occurred Thursday, January 22 2015.  The outcome of the hearing was as follows:

Two planning commissioners voted in support of the location, two voted against. The fifth commissioner’s seat was vacant, postponing a fifth vote.  The hearing was continued until April 9th.  Mark your calendars for this event!

If you missed the hearing, and/or would like to review the concerns presented, check out the video presentations below!  Note:  The county’s video omits the planning commissioners’ vote, but you can hear the vote by clicking the posted audio links.  For privacy reasons, addresses and some names have been deliberately edited from the videos.  Thanks to the presenters for permitting the upload of their presentations!

01)  Evan Chapman:  Questionable survey of property lines 

02)  Niccola Devereaux:  Blighting scenic views; property devaluation

03)  Stephen Sacks:  Safety-no coverage in high-risk areas

03)  MtBaldyResort_Coverage map

04)  Catherine Hertel:  Tower height can increase w/o approval

05)  Alan Riggle:  Risk of damaging/contaminating spring

06)  Ava Capossela:  Negative impact on character of area

07)  Isabella Leeman:  Adverse impact on migratory birds

08)  Dr. Gary Stickel:  Indian ancestral ties to area/concerns  

09)  Violet Luxton:  Impact on nature; no coverage on GRR 

10)  Christy Catalano:  Submission of support list/zoning violations

11)  Tamara Hanson:  Violation of zoning laws-scenic route, etc.

12)  Sally Thomas:  Adverse aesthetic impact

13)  Patricia Grill:  Adverse impact on property values

14)  Maria Garcia:  Alternative locations

15)  Will Wright:  No coverage on Baldy Road

16)  Karen May:  Request to uphold county codes

17)  Graham Hendrickson:  Need for coverage

18)  David Mix:  ”Safety”; adverse impacts on birds

19)  Holly Wood:  Need for coverage

20)  Roberto de la Cruz:  Need for tower in proper location

21)  Applicant’s response

22)  Dr. Stickel answers commissioner’s question

23)  Discussion:  property boundaries

24)  Discussion:  spring

25)  Discussion:  raising height of tower

26)  Discussion:  raising height of tower

27)  Discussion:  view and appearance

28)  Letter San Antonio Mutual Service Co.

29)  Discussion preceding vote

30)  The vote

31)  Post vote discussion and confusion

32)  Post vote discussion and confusion







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